Rapid, Iterative, Inclusive
Real-Time Results, Eliminates Delays

Enables Faster Ways to Work

Collaborate in real-time using a visual interface, which every team member can easily follow, to rapidly develop test and operate innovative data solutions.

Maximise The Value From Testing

Reusing battle tested components minimises unit tests, allowing us to concentrate our testing efforts on critical integration points, functional behaviour and non functional aspects like performance and scalability.

New Solutions For Old Systems & Data

Connect, don’t integrate. We connect different systems together which reduces dependency on custom development and the specialist skills and knowledge of the platforms being combined.

Discover, Connect & Orchestrate

Don't customise applications. Instead, use a catalogue of connectors to build loosely coupled, high performance, autonomous business systems. Reduce costs, reduce security risks, scale your productivity.

Digital transformation was difficult, not anymore.

  • Secure, compliant and affordable
  • Multi-system and multi-security zone
  • Zero compromise on non-functional requirements, such as security, data privacy and compliance
  • Enable system modularity and autonomy to accelerate delivery and foster business innovation

Don’t take our word for it, take theirs.

  • Proven in-year ROI
  • Improved customer experiences
  • Increased growth with reduced risk
Connected Agile

Non-disruptive innovation.

Product Owners need to deliver functionality faster and cheaper.

Meanwhile, the IT domain is getting more complex, requiring a greater level of specialist skill to build functionality.

Even to make simple changes. 

Despite this Product Owners are expected to deliver functionality rapidly, with solutions that delight users by integrating multiple data points, connecting disparate systems spanning multiple networks and meeting regulatory, security and privacy obligations. 

Composable Architecture
helps drive business.

Connected Agile

The Composable Architecture Platform (CAP) is a versatile, comprehensive and a self-contained toolkit that simplifies and accelerates the creation and management of customised software solutions.

The platform has been engineered to comply with TomorrowX's Connected Agile process that enables rapid prototyping and innovation delivery.

The platform’s pre-engineered and pre-integrated reusable components accelerate the design of every solution, without compromising on the critical non-functional requirements, such as data governance and data sovereignty. 

A proven platform, available now.

An enterprise-grade platform, used by Fortune 500 world leading brands across industries, such as banking, insurance, pension, healthcare, retail, transport and Public Sector departments. 

The CAP solved mission-critical problems and delivered valuable solutions that were previously delayed on the delivery backlog, due to their initial time and cost estimates. 


The platform has been deployed inside highly regulated environments, on heritage and modern infrastructure.

Improve Team Collaboration

Designed for prototyping and collaboration. Teams use a visual editor to create a set of business capabilities by selecting components from a catalogue, linking them together and applying a set of business rules, with instant deployment.

X Labs - accessing, learning & validating Composable Architecture

X Labs provides configurable, on-demand environments for teams to prototype and innovate in a controlled, secure area, without losing the context of production environments. 

X Labs are activated in real-time and can be configured to emulate the architectural design and behaviour of production systems, including routing, session and data specifications.

On-demand change to heritage systems with ChangeCloud®

For immediate changes and innovation to existing solutions, including 3rd party applications, platforms and APIs, TomorrowX has created ChangeCloud. 

ChangeCloud is a solution agnostic, CDN-style offering activated in minutes, without code changes and runs on multiple and hybrid clouds and across security zones.